
Kill NDP anti-energy Bill C-372

Whereas the NDP have tabled Bill C-372 which would criminalize the promotion of fossil fuels and prescribe jail time for Canadians who speak positively about the oil and gas industry in Canada.

Whereas the world needs more Canadian energy, not less, and Canada should be a world leader in developing and exporting clean energy.

Whereas Justin Trudeau and his NDP coalition partners’ anti-energy laws are crippling our natural resource sector and ensuring dependency on foreign dictatorships by shutting out our industry.

Whereas Canadian oil and gas are clean and sustainable energy alternatives to export to our allies while bringing home billions of dollars for our economy.

Therefore be it resolved that common sense Conservatives call on the Trudeau Liberals to vote against NDP Bill C-372, repeal anti-energy laws, fast-track approval processes for new energy projects and bring home powerful paycheques for Canadians.

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