Axe the Liberal tax on a tax for small businesses
Whereas the Trudeau Liberals’ costly carbon tax is crippling small businesses by driving up the price of gas, heating and goods during a cost-of-living crisis;
Whereas Justin Trudeau is planning to quadruple his carbon tax to 61 cents a litre;
Whereas after 9 years of Justin Trudeau, small businesses are constantly under strain because of high taxes, claw backs and excessive red tape and regulation.
Whereas the Liberal government promised small businesses would receive a Carbon Tax Rebate, but is now choosing to charge income tax on the carbon tax they already took from Canadian businesses, a tax on a tax;
Whereas this tax on a tax would further punish small businesses for operating in Canada.
Therefore, we the undersigned, call on the NDP-Liberal government to immediately reverse this decision to place a tax on a tax for small businesses, abandon their plan to increase the carbon tax again on April 1st, and pass common sense Conservative bill C-234 to take the carbon tax off farmers and food.